[Interview] Step-by-step plan for Developer


This plan is designed to guide the interview process for a senior software developer position. It covers a range of technical skills and experience required for the role, including software design, architectural patterns, troubleshooting, application delivery, application maintenance, error handling, monitoring, and working with high loads.

By following this plan, interviewers can ensure they cover all the essential areas required for the position, and ask targeted questions to assess the candidate’s expertise in each area. This can help to identify the most qualified candidates for the role and ensure that they have the necessary technical skills to succeed in the job.


Introduce yourself and the company: Start with a brief introduction of yourself and the company, highlighting key values and goals of the organization. Explain the position and its responsibilities: Provide a detailed description of the senior software developer role, including the technical skills, soft skills, and experience required for the position.

Outline the interview process: Let the candidate know what to expect in the interview process, including the types of questions, the duration of the interview, and any other relevant information.

Software Design

Ask the candidate about their experience with software design: Inquire about their experience with software design, including the methodologies they follow, the tools and techniques they use, and their thought process behind design.

Example tasks: Ask the candidate to walk you through a recent project’s design or ask them to create a simple design for a new feature.

Architectural Patterns

Ask the candidate about their experience with architectural patterns: Inquire about their experience with implementing different architectural patterns, and their preference for specific patterns for different types of applications.

Example tasks: Ask the candidate to design a microservices architecture for a hypothetical application or ask them to explain the advantages and disadvantages of using a specific pattern for a given use case.


Ask the candidate about their experience with troubleshooting: Inquire about their approach to identifying and resolving issues when a bug is found, including the tools and techniques they use for troubleshooting.

Example tasks: Ask the candidate to walk you through the process of debugging a recent issue or ask them to troubleshoot a simple bug in a code snippet.

Application Maintenance

Ask the candidate about their experience with application maintenance: Inquire about the tasks involved in application maintenance, the tools and techniques they use for maintenance, and any experience they may have with maintaining legacy applications.

Example tasks: Ask the candidate to explain their process for maintaining an application over time or ask them to identify potential maintenance challenges in a hypothetical application.

Application Error Handling

Ask the candidate about their experience with error handling: Inquire about their approach to handling errors in an application, the tools and techniques they use for error handling, and any experience they may have with handling critical errors.

Example tasks: Ask the candidate to explain their process for identifying and handling errors or ask them to design a simple error-handling system for a hypothetical application.

Application Monitoring

Ask the candidate about their experience with application monitoring: Inquire about the tools and techniques they use for monitoring applications, how they ensure the application is running smoothly, and any experience they may have with monitoring during high-traffic periods.

Example tasks: Ask the candidate to walk you through a recent monitoring experience or ask them to design a monitoring system for a hypothetical application.

Working with High Loads

Ask the candidate about their experience with working with high loads: Inquire about the techniques they use to handle high loads, how they ensure the application can handle high loads, and any experience they may have with optimizing an application for high loads.

Example tasks: Ask the candidate to explain their process for optimizing an application for high loads or ask them to identify potential challenges in a hypothetical application with high loads.