Developer handbook


Developing software is not just about writing code. It is about creating a high-quality product solution that satisfies the needs of the customer while being maintainable, scalable, and efficient. In order to achieve this goal, it is important to follow best practices that have been developed over years of experience in the industry.

In addition to the technical aspects of software development, it’s important to consider the human aspect as well. A key factor in the success of a software development team is how well new developers are onboarded and integrated into the team’s culture and practices. By providing a clear and simple onboarding process, new team members can quickly become productive and contribute to the success of the project.

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[Interview] Step-by-step plan for Developer


This plan is designed to guide the interview process for a senior software developer position. It covers a range of technical skills and experience required for the role, including software design, architectural patterns, troubleshooting, application delivery, application maintenance, error handling, monitoring, and working with high loads.

By following this plan, interviewers can ensure they cover all the essential areas required for the position, and ask targeted questions to assess the candidate’s expertise in each area. This can help to identify the most qualified candidates for the role and ensure that they have the necessary technical skills to succeed in the job.

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[Interview] Database query cases


Software developers need to possess a range of skills and knowledge in order to be successful in their roles. One area that is particularly important is proficiency in working with databases. Databases are an essential component of many software systems, and developers who can work effectively with them are in high demand.

In this article, i will provide several tasks that software developers can use to assess their knowledge and skills in working with databases.

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[Interview] Database design case


This is one of many examples of technical tasks that can be used in interviews with developers and technical managers. This assignment covers working with databases, large volumes of data, naunces of different data types and the subtleties of working with table structure.

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[Interview] Coding assessment


Example of backend software developer assessement test that can be completed within few hours.

It consists of few crucial points:

  • API Generation
  • Algorithmical work with geospatial data
  • Caching strategy
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